Frequently Asked Questions

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How VisaReservation Works?

a) You provide your basic travel details for flights(Departing city, arrival city, departure dates) and hotels(City, check in and check out dates) and submit the order

b) We will then send you reservations in email pdf. You can use those to get the visa

c) After you get the visa, you can either make your own travel plans and purchase anything of your choice online Or, if you need to buy the actual flight tickets and hotels from us then we will also provide you the service to find the best and cheaper fares at that time using our resources and tools for a minimal non-refundable service fee of USD10.


How can I verify flights and hotels?

Verification of Flight:

Flight reservations are verifiable. You can visit respective airlines website, plugin the airline reservation code and your name under manage my bookings. If you have any issues, then please send email to admin@visareservation.com

Verification of Hotel:

Hotel reservations are verifiable. You can call the hotel directly to verify using your name. Hotel itinerary has a confirmation number from the booking systems that indicate that bookings have been made successfully with the hotel systems.


How long are the reservations and insurance valid for?

Flight and Hotel Validity:

Typically our flight reservations are valid for two weeks however sometimes it depends on airlines policies it gets auto canceled due to overbooking etc. Hotel bookings are valid for a couple of days prior to your trip start date however sometimes hotel bookings may also get auto canceled due to hotel cancellation policies and high demand in bookings. Not to worry. We can recreate it immediately if such issue arises. The embassy will not refuse visa due to this they will request you to re-submit the reservation but again that’s very rare.

Insurance Validity:

The insurance we provide is a valid one and can be used during your travel and stay. It meets all the Schengen visa requirements and is valid across all Schengen countries and international too. The signed insurance visa letter you receive from us is perfect for visa purposes.


I would like to see a sample flight and hotel reservation before placing an order. Can you pls provide one?

Of course. Please send us an email or chat with us. We will be happy to provide one.

My visa interview is coming up soon. Can you provide me flight and hotel reservation urgently?

Yes, we have support to provide you reservations within 1 hr or 6hrs or 24 hrs. Just choose the right package and place the order. Our team is also available 24/7 over email, phone and online chat to serve you! If you need itinerary on demand(immediately) then you can place the order using online chat and we will email you the itinerary within minutes!

What details do you need from me to place an order for flight and hotel reservation?

We don’t ask for any confidential information. All we need is

  1. Your Full Name
  2. Your basic travel details for flights(Departing city, arrival city, departure dates) and hotels(City, check in and check out dates)


Do you provide flight itinerary, hotel reservation and travel medical insurance for any country visa?

You got it right! Yes, we provide valid flight and hotel itineraries for any country. Doesn’t matter where you are from and what country you are traveling to, we make our best efforts to serve you with reservations that work best for any visa application.

The insurance we provide meets International and Schengen requirements. We are not responsible for any damages, deaths or medical claims during travel. All insurance related questions, claims, concerns or issues should be directly dealt with the insurance provider or the agent provided in the visa letter.

Can i use your service to book any airline of my choice?

Absolutely! Feel free to let us know your preferred airlines while placing the order and we will try our best to honor your request.

I want to book flight and hotel reservations without purchasing the actual tickets. Are reservations accepted by the embassy?

That’s exactly why we are here for and why you should use our service! Yes, the reservations are perfectly acceptable. The embassy actually recommends not purchasing actual tickets until the visa is approved.  We take away the overhead and ticket cancellation worries from you by making travel reservations on your behalf for a small service fee.

Moreover, see below why France consulate doesn’t recommend you to purchase actual airline tickets until you get the visa.

Check point#12 on the Chicago France embassy website:



Is there a particular time period to use your service to book flight and hotel reservations?

No, there is no specific time period to order reservations on our website. However, we recommend you to use our services three to four days prior to the visa interview.

Can you briefly provide what all services do you offer to your customers for visa application?

We provide flight reservations, hotel reservations, and travel insurance services for visa purposes.

Travelers need a visa to travel to several countries. So we provide fast, affordable and reliable services to customers by providing supporting documents and arranging flight reservations, hotel bookings, and travel insurance meeting visa application requirements.

We also provide travel guides to customers upon request that will help them make the best use of their time and money during their stay in the city they are traveling to.

How reliable is your service and why should I use it?

  1. Our documents are authentic and perfect for any visa application purposes
  2. We provide 100% buyer protection through PayPal
  3. We take care of reservation cancellations at no cost to you
  4. We take away the risk from you and have you not spend thousands of dollars to hold the reservations
  5. We work with several airlines in our network
  6. We can accommodate multiple itinerary changes at no cost to you
  7. We have the ability to hold reservations for longer periods
  8. We can rebook the same itinerary with different airlines instantly
  9. We are available 24/7 to address your concerns including when you are outside the embassy looking for immediate assistance!



I want to visit multiple cities. Is there a limit on flight and hotel reservations that i can make?

You are more than welcome to order an unlimited flight and hotel reservations per trip. Choose an appropriate package and submit your travel details. That’s it!

My friends and family are applying for a visa. Can i submit an order to make flight and hotel reservations on their behalf?

Absolutely. You can place an order on behalf of your friends, family or anyone. All you have to do is choose the right package, submit travel details and make the payment.

We are a group of friends or a family traveling together. Can we use your service to place order for all of them at once?

Yes! you have the option to place an order for all the travelers at once. We can create one itinerary for all the travelers or separate itineraries per person. You just let us know your preference and we will be at your service!

Do you print traveler name on the itineraries?

Yes. The itinerary we provide will have traveler names printed on it.

We are a group of travelers. Do you offer any group discounts?

Yes, we offer excellent group discount offers. When you select an appropriate number of travelers while filling the order form, you will see the discounted pricing.  All we want is you to relax and get the visa. Once you get the visa you can make your travel plans and enjoy a fun-filled trip with your friends or family.

How soon can you provide flight and hotel reservations once i make the payment?

It depends on the service option you choose. We have the support to email you the documents within 1 hr or 6 hrs or 24 hrs. Our team is also available 24/7 by email, phone, and online chat to assist you!


I received the itinerary from you! But my travel plans have now changed. What should i do?

No issues at all. We work closely with you to assess your case. We either ask you to place a new order or we make corrections free of cost. We try our best to make sure you are happy with our services!

The dates and cities i have provided while placing the order were incorrect. What should i do to have those corrected?

Not to worry! Just email/call/chat with us and we will be more than happy to recreate reservations FREE of cost to you!

What are the other payment options as i don’t have a paypal account?

You can pay with PayPal account, Debit or Credit card( Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover). If you can’t pay using these options then reach out to us and we will provide you other options based on your situation.

Are there any ticket cancellations that i need to make after getting my visa? If so, is there a cancellation fee?

We take care of all the cancellations of the reservations made on your behalf. You don’t have to worry about any cancellation fee or anything. Once you get the visa, make your own travel plans, relax and enjoy your trip!

What is your refund policy?

We provide refunds when your visa is denied due to our itineraries and you provide us proof of rejection from the embassy along with the reason for visa denial. Insurance can be canceled and the insurance amount will be refunded after deducting the insurance cancellation fee.

Can i print and submit the itinerary that i have received from you to the embassy?

Yes. We will email you the itinerary in the PDF format and you can just print it out and take it to the embassy to show it as a proof of travel arrangement.