How to Get Hotel Reservation For Visa Application

How to Get Hotel Reservation For Visa Application

o you’re all set to apply for the visa for that long-awaited holiday abroad, but have you been told to submit a copy of your hotel reservation for visa application along with other documents? You must be wondering how that would be possible since you probably didn’t want to book a hotel until the visa gets confirmed. Your apprehensions are completely justified! To make your visa application process easier, in this article we will help you understand how to go about meeting the embassy’s requirement of a hotel reservation for visa application.


Now that you are planning to apply for a visa of your choice, you must have realised that you have to submit a list of documents to the embassy in order to support your application. Typically, that list includes the following items:

  • Valid Passport
  • Bank statements
  • Hotel reservation for visa application
  • Proof of return flight reservation
  • Travel insurance for visa
  • Visa Fee
  • Application form
  • Photos

If you still haven’t gotten hold of a flight reservation for visa, you can check out this article here to understand what it is all about and how to get it.

As far as the hotel reservation for visa application is concerned, it simply refers to a document that proves that you have your accommodation sorted in the country you are planning to visit. The reason embassies need this proof is so they can be assured that you are able to sustain yourself during your travel. Moreover, this is also another way to confirm your travel dates and duration. So ideally, if you have mentioned your travel duration as 10 days, you need to be able to show that you indeed have accommodation for all those days. This can be proven to the embassy in a couple of different ways:

  • Get a friend or relative residing in that country to issue a formal letter attested by local authorities that will act as an invitation letter for the travelling party.
  • Straight away book a reservation with a hotel or hostel and use the confirmation letter as proof of accommodation
  • Get a dummy hotel reservation for visa application through a verified agent

Any of these 3 above-mentioned documents, together with all other documents are needed to submit a complete visa application and to ensure maximum chances of approval.


You must be wondering what a dummy hotel reservation might be, since we mentioned it as an option to show proof of accommodation for visa application. A dummy hotel reservation for visa application refers to a hotel booking that is made only for the purpose of getting a visa. That does not mean that it is a fake reservation. It is as good as an actual hotel reservation that is created by a verified travel agent depending on your tentative travel dates, which can be changed or cancelled later once the visa is approved. The added advantage of getting a dummy hotel reservation for visa application is that you need not pay for the cost of the hotel accommodation right away, but instead just pay a basic service charge to the travel agency who can get the job done for you.


There are several important reasons why a dummy hotel reservation for visa application could be of great help you. You may think that it’s easier and simpler to just get an invitation letter from a friend or relative or book a hotel online. It’s not as simple as you think! Let us tell you why.

First of all, not everyone has a friend or relative in every country they want to visit, who would be willing to get a verified invitation letter made. Moreover, it is not enough to simply type a letter and sign it. It has to be authorised by the local government authority of the town or city. Imagine having to request multiple people in different countries to get this done for you, if at all you can manage to find people you know! Quite a hassle for you and also for them.

The other alternative is to directly book a hotel online. That way you can get an actual confirmation letter or email to show proof for your hotel reservation for visa application. But what happens when you don’t get your visa on time as expected or it doesn’t get approved? Most people would argue that hotel reservations can be cancelled and the money refunded. However, that holds true for only some hotels that offer a full refund on cancellation.

Most hotels charge a certain percentage of the booking value as cancellation fees, resulting in an unnecessary loss of money. On top of that, there are a lot of other terms and conditions attached to hotel cancellations. For example, many hotels may not allow cancellations beyond 30 days before arrival date. 30 days is a long period of time.

If your visa is still under process and you are forced to cancel your reservation to avoid losing money, the visa authorities will not be able to verify your reservation any longer. That in turn leads to the rejection of your visa application. So complicated and so much hassle, isn’t it? And let’s not even think of what would happen if you had to book multiple hotels in different cities or countries! Even more confusion in the whole process!

Your third and final option is to purchase a dummy hotel reservation for visa application. This not only offers you a lot more flexibility than actually booking a hotel, it can potentially save a ton of money and hassle. By paying a nominal fee, you can book a hotel reservation that you can either choose to use later or cancel depending on your visa status.

Verified travel agencies like Visa Reservation Services can do this for you at a very nominal charge and can even handle multiple hotel reservations for you at a time. There is absolutely no need for you to stress out when there are such convenient services easily available within your reach. Spend your time planning fun things for your upcoming holiday and leave the stressful job for us.